Health & Fitness

How To Increase Your Protein Intake?

Protein Intake

Do you wish to gain lean muscle mass? Then you need to provide your body with sufficient amounts of protein.

Here are a few benefits of consuming protein:

  • Regulates metabolism rate
  • Strengthens your muscles
  • Helps in the development of lean muscles
  • Essential for rapid recovery of muscles and tissues
  • Improves immunity
  • Great for bodybuilding

Here are some of the best ways of satiating your protein needs:

  1. Swap cereals with eggs

Try to choose eggs over cereals for your breakfast. Cereals are rich in fiber but do not have enough protein content while eggs are the best source of protein. Other than protein, eggs are also a rich source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that are required for the body to stay healthy. Two eggs can provide your body with about 12 g of protein and around 156 calories. If you want to learn more about protein food and shakes, visit this website:

  1. Add some cheese to your diet

Most of us love to eat cheese and including them in our daily diet will be the best way of improving our protein intake in a tasty way. Around 100 grams of cheese can provide our body with 25g of protein. You can have cheese with your regular salad or with a sandwich.

  1. Enjoy a glass of whey protein shake

How about enjoying a glass of chilled protein shake? There are a lot of whey protein supplements available in the market that can be used to make tasty and nutritious shakes. All you need to do is mix the whey protein powder with milk and blend it properly to avoid lump formation. You can also add fruits to your shake along with some ice cubes. Protein powders are the best source of nutrients if you want to build muscles.

  1. Add protein to your salads

Are you on a dieting spree and got bored of eating the same old blunt salads? Then try to add some protein to it. Well! You can add cheese, chicken, turkey, or eggs to it. If you are a vegetarian, then try to add some beans to your salads. In this way, you will not only increase your protein intake but also enhance the taste of your food.

  1. Much on some peanuts and dry fruits

Try to munch on a fistful of peanuts or some nutritious dry fruits. These foods will not only satiate your hunger pangs but also fulfill your nutrient requirements. Nuts and dried fruits are rich sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals which are known to help in strengthening and developing your muscles. There are a lot of protein bars available in the market that contain nuts and dry fruits. You can also choose these easy snacks to meet your protein requirements.


To achieve your body goals, you will also need to do regular exercise along with a protein-rich diet plan. Do not cross the daily recommended dosage of protein as it can cause health problems. If you`d want to study greater approximately how to increase your protein intake, click here

If you have kidney problems or high uric acid levels, then we will suggest you seek the advice of a doctor before consuming a protein diet. Connect with us to know more about protein-rich foods and supplements.

Learn more about the advantages of protein and the best ways to take it, on this website:

Francis Baylon
Francis Baylon is a creator, writer, and publisher with a deep knowledge of every heritage. Worldwide research taught her that every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.

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